Syllabus Overview

  • Operations and Project Management
  • Managerial Leadership
  • Business Law & Economics in the Oil & Gas Sector
  • Operations & the Supply Chain in the Oil & Gas Secto

General Details

Duration: 8 months Total hours: 4.5h/ week

Webster Athens brings the best of American education to Greece. We are the only fully owned and controlled (academically and financially) accredited campus of a US university in Greece.

Take your education abroad and participate in our challenging and in-demand programs built to provide the flexibility and convenience necessary to succeed in today’s world.

Plus, our class sizes are small, so you’ll receive individual attention and mentorship from our faculty, who bring real-life knowledge to the classroom.

  • BUSN 6110 Operations and Project Management (3 hours)
  • MNGT 5670 Managerial Leadership (3 hours)
  • BUSN 5135 Business Law & Economics in the Oil & Gas Sector (3 hours)
  • BUSN 5360 Operations & the Supply Chain in the Oil & Gas Sector (3 hours)

  • Demonstrate foundation knowledge in the core of  the oil and
    gas sector including business law, economics, operations, supply chain
    management, project management, and management.


  • Explain the key elements of oil and gas exploration, production and


  • Analyze the economic aspects of international markets in oil and gas.


  • Integrate the skills needed to direct operations, effectively
    communicate and negotiate within the oil and gas sector.


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